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I Inherit What You Lost is a project inspired by the responses of 13 artists from the Eastern Partnership Countries and Central Asia to the theme of "dissonant heritage", inheritance and loss. Inheritance is portrayed as both a physical space and a political mechanism, serving as both a resource and a trauma. Individual narratives intersect with official history and established geographies. By amplifying the voices of artists from these regions, the project embraces diverse approaches and perspectives existing simultaneously in one time and space, challenging the dominance of a "homogenous sequence of events conforming to the vision of the victors," as noted by Simona Škrabec in relation to W. Benjamin's reflections on the Concept of History. Art serves as a tool to uncover the parts of the past that have been erased from official memory, reshaping history into a collection of individual fortunes.

The artists, selected through an open call, developed their artworks after engaging in a series of meetings, workshops, and discussions with fellow artists, curators, and professionals over a period of six months.

The artworks were showcased in Szczecin, Poland, at Locatorne on April 13-14, 2024. Some pieces will also be exhibited in Prague, Czech Republic, at Artivist Lab, with the exhibition opening scheduled for May 29, 2024.

Meet The Artists
Project producer: Floating EKA Foundation

We extend our gratitude to the experts involved in the project:

Altyn Kapalova (Kyrgyzstan)
Pavel Bannikov (Kazakhstan)
Sevil Huseynova (Azerbaijan/Germany)
Sergey Rumyantsev (Azerbaijan/Germany)
Joanna Szczepanik (Poland)
Ala Goldblum-Elczewska (Denmark)
Eryk Krasucki (Poland)
Karolina Breguła (Poland)

Project Curator: Aleksandra Artamonova
Curator in Szczecin: Weronika Fibich
Curator in Prague: Tamara Moyzes

Photos and Video: Ptaszyński Adam and the project participants
To support the continuation of the project
Ośrodek Teatralny Kana, Lokatorne - miejsce działań antydyscyplinarnych, Akademia Sztuki w Szczecinie, Artivist Lab