
Floating EKA Annual Membership Day

2021-08-03 13:00
Our first Annual Membership Day took place on August 3. It was an online event for partner organizations, artists, supporters, volunteers, friends of the project and curious ones.

On the Membership day we:
  • Shared updates on Floating EKA’s accomplishments in 2020-2021
  • Introduced Floating EKA’s board, staff, volunteers and supporters 
  • Had a networking session with cultural actors and peers from cultural projects around the Baltic Sea
  • Shared how one can join Floating EKA foundation as a member or Board Director
  • Had an open Q&A session

By conducting Membership Day we wanted to share the accomplishments of the organization in the first year of its existence, unite the specialists from cultural and sustainability sectors, exchange plans and ideas, meet each other and introduce our Team. It seems to us that it all worked out pretty well!