
Inherit What You Lost

2024-04-12 14:17
I Inherit What You Lost

| exhibition / meetings / film screening |
On April 13-14, 2024 we invite you to an exhibition and a series of meetings with artists and experts in Szczecin, Poland.
The artists will present their works relating to the universalization of life in contemporary big cities ("imagined communities" Brno-Tashkent), attempting to capture the process of transformation of the space and mentality of a traditional community (Armenia), referring to the struggle for political identity (Tatarstan). A separate group of issues is the reference to the area of culture, whether in the form of unwritten rules shaping society (North Caucasus), or mechanisms of eradication of language and history (Turkic peoples in Central Asia), deprivation of the right to statehood, or genocide (Uyghur refugees from China in Kazakhstan). There are also references to contemporary political tensions, forced emigration, and physical and mental borders (Belarus, Armenia), or the issue of the post-German legacy familiar to inhabitants of Szczecin (post-Soviet Kaliningrad).
Check out our program and make sure to come for an exhibition, live events, film screenings, and discussions.

13 April
▪️ 15:00 - 17:00
Vernissage of the exhibition: "I Inherit What You Lost"
LOKATRONE, ul. Bałuki 17
▪️ 17:00
Film screening: “Najem Okazjonalny” [Periodic tenancy] by Weronika Fibich and Adam Ptaszynski.
Kana Theatre, pl. Świętych Piotra i Pawła 4/5
▪️ 18:00
How to read the traces of ancestors? Meeting with Ala Goldblum-Elczewska (psychologist) and Erik Krasucki (historian) around the topic of heredity
Moderator: Weronika Fibich
Kana Theatre, pl. Świętych Piotra i Pawła 4/5
14 April
▪️ 12:00
A walk through the city full of emptiness – Kinga Rabińska
(closed event)
▪️ 15:00 - 17:00
Meetings and discussions with the artists from the Eastern Partnership and Central Asian coutries
LOKATRONE, ul. Bałuki 17
▪️ 18:00 - 19:00
Finissage of the exhibition "I Inherit What You Lost"
LOKATRONE, ul. Bałuki 17
"I Inherit What You Lost” is a project accomplished by the Floating EKA Foundation in partnership with the Kana Theatre Centre, Lokatorne, the Academy of Art in Szczecin and Artivist Lab in Prague.